Simple, elegant crystal glasses from Riedel, Zalto and Zwiesel, where the shape of the glass shows off your wine best, or beautiful heavy crystal glasses, with rich hand-cut decoration and with or without gold or platinum, from manufacturers as Baccarat, Lalique, Theresienthal and Varga, there is plenty of choice to find your perfect fitting glass.
But it’s not only Crystal that we drink from nowadays.
For a number of years we sell the porcelain goblets from Sieger by Fürstenberg. 2mm thin porcelain with gold-plated interior. Perfect for your champagne or cocktails.
With the variety of decors that Sieger by Fürstenberg has developed it is getting an item that you want to collect.
On top of that we have tumblers from Robbe & Berking, next to champagne flutes and cocktail coupes in Sterling Silver or silver-plated.
Ideal for your bar at home or on your boat.
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